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"I feel my life makes more sense
and I am clear what I need to do"
– Tracy W., Venice, California (Yelp review)

"Since seeing her a few months ago I've been watching all the good stuff roll in, including
a new Love."

– Eleanor G., Los Angeles, California (Yelp review)

"When I think back on the tarot readings,
I still get goosebumps, it was that good."
– Kerri V., Truckee, California (Yelp review) 

Sirena Pendragon - Spiritual Teacher
Psychic / Tarot Consultant / Life Mission Astrologer
Writer & Author / Psychic Artist / Surfing & Yoga Teacher

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Want your dreams to come true faster? Your Spirit Guide(s) want to help you! Life is much easier with guidance, clarity, and direction! "My mission is to receive Divine guidance so that I may guide you towards learning your Spiritual lessons. When you understand your lessons, you raise your vibration and you progress faster towards your dreams." My focus is on Empowering YOU so YOU can make it happen. We have will power as well as destiny."One of the best things about the tarot is that you can clearly see the cards for yourself. I'm not just telling you what you want to hear. I'm thoroughly shuffling the cards and you can witness the magic without any doubts lurking. It's really real! I highly recommend that you take notes, and/or record our session.

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"Crystal Visions Tarot" Artwork ©Jennifer Galasso 2020


Tarot Consultation

$77 1-2hrs. for individuals.

I'm available for in-person readings 

on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. I prefer Honolulu, since that is where I live, but I may travel for a party. You may also book me for a phone reading or a virtual reading.

Emergency Reading?

I understand, the best way to reach me is to text me: I can override my calendar availability if possible.

Take advantage of my Party Rate!

Parties, Events, Retreats... $144 hr.

I'm available for evening parties regardless of my online schedule. I've done many events, corporate events, festivals, retreats, and lots of parties including big Hollywood events.

Text me for parties: 4 or more people




For other questions, Please see my FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) in the above menu.


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Your Astrology chart is like your treasure map,

which leads to your hidden treasure,

your Life Mission! When you know your

purpose, the rest of your life improves

exponentially! Stop wasting your time,

effort, and money moving in your wrong direction! Move yourself from feeling Depressed to Expressing your true self! The Universe only supports you with real money, when you're on your Life Mission! I will print out your birth chart and translate what it says for you. You don't need to know anything about astrology. I highly recommend that you take notes, and/or record our session.


Astrology Reading $127 1-2hrs flat rate

Astrology & Tarot Reading $177 = discount

untimed (within reason)

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"We were blown away by how spot on her readings were. She was indefatigable and was engaged and engaging for 5 hours! Really a kind,

wonderful woman."

– Mary K., Los Angeles, California (Yelp review) 


"I wish I could press 7 stars! The reading was amazingly insightful and accurate"

– Daniel M., Venice, California (Yelp review)


"Her take on astrology goes way beyond any

chart reading I've ever had"

– Zach W., Los Angeles, California (Yelp review)

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Yes, This is my own chart :)


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Want all your Dreams to come True?

Do you want more money, love and happiness?

Join me on my real life journey, “Led by Spirit.”

Born under “The Dark Star,” I learned how to heal through my own Spiritual adventures, and get everything I wanted in my life.

Now, you too can understand ancient secrets of mystical knowledge.


  • Discover how to really manifest miracles

  • How to experience truly fulfilling relationships

  • Find the secrets of unblocking your energy

  • How to find your own Divine Guidance

  • Discover how to raise your vibration through all the chakras

  • Find out how you sabotage yourself

  • Discover what you need to be abundant


Available on the Audible App. and on Amazon

in paperback and e-book/kindle. Order your copy now on Amazon:

"MAGIC" was updated and republished as "Led by Spirit"

to conform to Search Engine Optimization standards.


Also, Check out ALL my new JOURNALs for journaling which provide

instructions on “How to Journal.” Available only on AMAZON.

I made journals for all the astrological signs, some randomly beautiful ideas, and some children's handwriting books so they may learn how to more easily understand how to write well.

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"Bravo! Sirena Pendragon, Bravo!"
–John D., Los Angeles, California

"Really incredible book about Sirena’s transformation and awakening. We can all learn something from this book and realize the true magic that each of us encompass. A truly beautiful book, I highly recommend." 
-Aravis, (Amazon Review)

"What a great read! I felt so inspired after reading this!
-Bria (goodreads review)

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When we practice yoga our bodies become more firm, strong, and flexible, but working outward is not the ultimate goal of yoga, it's an inside job. Thousands of years ago, when the ancient Tantrics developed yoga, they were looking for the best ways to expand the flow of energy through our bodies so we would feel Spirit. Yoga is integration, union, oneness, listening, and ultimately psychic awareness. I assign "yoga homework" to help students prevent injury and help them to excel through their progression. "Mermaid Flow Yoga" feels good, it's energizing, it raises our vibration and it's fun! Today I teach in the park or on a zillion crystals at the beach. I also have a yoga class to teach surfing. I've taught many people how to surf in only a few hours.

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"One of the best yoga experiences I've had. Wonderful teacher! I have taken several of Sirena's classes before. Her passion for yoga is infectious and her classes are always fluid, flowy, organic, and original."
-Ava Klein, Newbury Park, California

"Your yoga class was great! I wish you were closer!"

-Cindy Gomez, San Francisco YMCA District Manager
"Sirena is a fabulous instructor! Her yoga class has made
a great difference to my daughter and I."
-Katrina Leker, San Rafael, California

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  • Learn your customized "safe" way to do Yoga, so you don't injure yourself.

  • Practice the basics first, by yourself, so when you take someone's class, 
    you will know your safety limitations,

    and how to do yoga before you go.

  • Most Yoga teachers would love to help everyone to do yoga safely, but there isn't enough time and there are too many students to give you the personalized individual attention that you may want and need.


$77 1-2 hrs Private Yoga & or Surfing Session




Cash is my favorite,

then Zelle

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Legal stuff my Lawyer says that I need to talk about:

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers:

Earnings, success and income representations made by Miss Mermaid, also known as Sirena Pendragon, are aspirational statements only of your earnings, success, and achievement potential.
The success of Miss Mermaid, Sirena Pendragon, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills, experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying yourself, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors. 

Miss Mermaid, Sirena Pendragon, are not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the evaluation, and the use of products and services should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that Miss Mermaid, Sirena Pendragon, are not liable to you in any way for your results in using any products or services. All claims of medical, health, spiritual, and all subjects are not supported, or backed by the FDA, or any government agency. 

Do you have questions about any of the services or products? Are you wondering if this will work for you? Give me a call at 808-989-9721.
I will be happy to discuss your goals and how I may help you. Miss Mermaid, Sirena Pendragon, is not responsible for the choices you make in your life with the information given, all choices are made by the purchaser and anybody who reads or watches the content. Miss Mermaid, Sirena Pendragon, is not affiliated with any other certifications or organizations.

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